MKTG151-06A Introduction to Marketing and International Management
Tutor: Larena Jade West
她是我Marketing tutorial 的tutor
每次都e-mail給我們 給我們assignment tips
明天的trade show
她也一直e-mail給我們 提醒我們有沒有做到哪些東西
她做的真的很多,我們都看見眼裡,比起其他的tutor 她真的way way better than other tutors


Hi class,

The times at which your group will be judged are now available on my web under the trade show 06 link.
Please note that your project will be judged by 2 seperate judging teams that is why you have two judging times listed.
This is because we evaluate your project twice to ensure that marks are accurate.

There has been confusion among students about Trade Show, You are only required to be there on Thursday night NOT Friday!!!
The other tutorial classes will exhibit their projects on Friday not your class!!!

Also i am emailing you all out guidelines for what judges will be assessing, this will compliment the Judges Evaluation sheet that is currently on my web under trade show 06 link.
If you have not yet viewed the judges form please do so as this is the exact form that we will be using to mark your project on. So you need to make sure that you have covered all areas that will be assessed. I am in class till 5pm so expect this email by 9pm tonight.
Kind Regards

Larena West

Hi Class,

Hope you are all prepared for tomorrows Trade show!!! I thought you may want to have a checklist of what judges will be assessing when they judge your product.

1) A key message or theme:

This is what the judges will remember from looking at your display Distinctive features of your product, the Key Benefits for customers highlighted.
Your visual display, presentational, props & uniforms etc.

2) How well organised is the presentation of the material?
Logical flow and connection between all parts of your trade exhibit.

Do the all the components of your presentation link well with one another?

Is there unfinished parts or missing information

Proof read? Spelling and sentence structure. Formal language used.

3) Product idea visible & understandable:

Model (fully working or for display purposes only) or drawing your product?
Can the product be easily seen when the presentation is viewed by others?
Does your product description explain your product clearly and quickly to the viewer of your trade show board?

4)Target Market:

Paragraph approx describing NOT defining your Target Market!!!!
Do you reference to demographics & psychographics?
Does your product have one Buyer BUT another User?

5) Do the Product & Target Market Compliment one another?

Is there a realistic market segment(s) for your product?
Could a better Target Market exist for your product, have you researched your selected target market in detail?

6)7)8)9) Marketing mix, communication of the 4 P?:

Is there too much detail, will it take too much of the judges time up when they mark your exhibit?
Product Name clearly visible, relates to the product in some way, would the target market be interested by this name?
Price of your product is clearly visible & also reasons for this price decision are clearly outlined & in detail.
How likely are the Target Market to accept this Price?
Promotion both physical examples (two are required) easy to for the eye to locate?
Place, List of retailers for your product are clearly visible, are these retailers suitable for the nature of the product?

10) Packaging concept:

Does the package satisfy the VIEW model?
Think four functions of packaging
Would your product stand out on the shelf amongst others?
Is the information on your packaging appropriate?
What appeals to the emotions of the customer, colour, type, humour, looks.
Is it unique or novel.

11) Marketing Mix:

Do the 4 P? compliment each other well?

12) Is product an innovative new idea or a new spin on an existing idea?

13) Does the exhibit & group sell the product idea well:

Eye catching and memorable
Colour, design, font size & style. Are the easy to understand?
Is it memorable?
Does the group look passionate about their project?
Visual & written aspects support & relate well to one another?
Does your trade show exhibit stand out from the 65 other projects???

Best of luck to all of and look forward to seeing you all tomorrow night.

Kind Regards

Larena West Wikitera


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